St Hugh's is a generous community giving to 10% of all our time, treasure and talents to bless other charities, churches or mission initiatives locally, nationally and internationally. We hope that you too have found the joy and blessing of giving generously.

What does The Bible teach us about giving?

The Old Testament teaches us that tithing is the Biblical principle of giving to the Lord the first 10% of your income (tithe literally means ‘a tenth’). This idea of giving the ‘first fruits’ is important in setting out where our priorities lie. There was also a place for giving over and above the tithe for particular needs, these were called freewill offerings. Tithing is not taught in the New Testament, but rather the act of giving is taken to a new level. 1 Corinthians 16:2 says we should give regularly, ‘on the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money.’ Then in 2 Corinthians 9:7 we are told, ‘each one should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver’. God owns all we have; not just the first tenth but everything is His. Our suggestion is that you give an amount that you have decided to give monthly to the needs of the church – a ‘tithe’ (10% is a good place to start), and that we also make a ‘free will offering’ towards things that to which our hearts are moved.

Most of our funding comes from the generous donations from people in our church and community. This lets us do everything from turning on the lights, to employing staff to buying glue sticks for our kids groups. If you would like to give to our church to support the mission of Jesus’ love in Lewsey, then you can either give money through the bags that are passed round during Sunday services (the collection) or donate a regular amount each month through your bank. Many of our church members find that donating monthly is something that helps them (and us!) to plan.

Please ask Marissa in the office if you would like to give directly to us from your bank each month.

All our finances are managed according to the rules of the Church of England. They are overseen by our treasurer (Amanda, a volunteer and qualified accountant), and our accounts are checked each year by a separate accountant to ensure money is spent properly. Church members are told how money has been spent each year at our annual meeting (APCM). Usually this meeting happens around Easter time each year.

How to give

Regularly by Standing Order

A Standing Order is easy to set up with your Bank or Building Society and payment can be made on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

Additionally, please notify the Finance Department if you cancel or change your Standing Order, change your name or address, or no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains for St Hugh’s to claim Gift Aid.

Direct Debit/Standing Order Gifting:

Name: St Hugh's Parish Church
Sort Code: 12-17-50
Account Number: 00833770
Reference: Your Name

Give by Cheque

Please make cheques payable to 'St Hugh’s Lewsey Parish Church’.

Gift Aid (Tax Efficient Funding)

UK Tax Payers: If you are a UK tax payer (Income or Capital Gains Tax) and would like St Hugh’s to claim back the basic rate tax through the Government’s Gift Aid scheme, you will need complete either the Gift Aid Declaration on the Standing Order Instruction above, or the Gift Aid Declaration below, if you have not done so already. This will enable us to recover the basic rate of income tax, currently 25p for each pound given, at no extra cost to you.

Higher Rate UK Tax Payers: If you pay higher or additional rate tax, you may recover this through your own tax return. Alternatively, you may pass on this extra tax to St Hugh’s by giving via your employer’s payroll giving scheme (Payroll Giving).

If you are a UK higher rate (40 per cent) or additional rate (45 per cent) income tax payer and you give to St Hugh’s directly and allow us to reclaim the basic rate tax through Gift Aid then you may recover, through your tax return, the difference between the basic rate tax that St Hugh’s recovers and the higher or additional rate that you have paid.

If you give via Payroll Giving then, because you are giving ‘pre-tax’, you are able to pass on the full benefit of your tax to St Hugh’s immediately.

If giving via standing order is not best for you, there are other ways to give here.

Amazon Smile

I expect many of us will be using Amazon for Christmas gifts over the coming few weeks. If you use instead you get exactly the same service as Amazon, but you can name a charity who will receive 0.5% of any net purchase. Follow the link and name us as your charity, St Hughs, Lewsey and all proceeds will go to the building project fund - HAPPY SHOPPING!